#BOOKREVIEW - Gentlemen Prefer Spinsters (Spinsters Club Book 1) by Samantha Holt

✯✦✯✦✯ BOOK REVIEW ✯✦✯✦✯

Book: Gentlemen Prefer Spinsters
(Spinsters Club Book 1)
Author: Samantha Holt
Genre: Historical Romance, Regency Romance

My Rating: ★★★★

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2xhTFdf


The first rule of the Spinsters Club is: You do not talk about the Spinsters Club.

The second rule of the Spinsters Club is: You do not talk about the Spinsters Club.

The third rule…

Well, Merry understands the rules of the Spinsters Club fully, considering it was her idea in the first place. When one of her good friends loses her heart to an utter rogue and is ruined forever, she’s determined that the life of a spinster is for her. Thankfully, she’s not alone. Her three dearest friends have had their share of heartbreak and resolve to join her. No matter what the demanding mamas and papas of the world say, they will not give up their spinsterhood.

Particularly not to the handsome Lord Harcourt Easton, the Earl of Langley. Merry has always liked Harcourt—after all he is her brother’s best friend—but she cannot fathom his sudden interest in her. After all, he was well known to be quite the rogue at times and she’s hardly the sort to attract the attention of a rake.

But Harcourt has loved Merry for some time now. And he’s determined to make her see that. If only he could get past this stubborn determination that she should never marry and convince her he’s the man for her.

The death of her father and some strange incidents that put Merry in danger might not be ideal circumstances to woo a woman, but Harcourt is willing to make the best of a dire situation—especially while Merry needs a shoulder to cry on.

Harcourt could well be the most amazing man she knows, and Merry cannot help but be grateful for his support, but she cannot very well turn her back on the Spinsters Club so soon…can she?

A delightfully cute story of love!

Gentlemen Prefer Spinsters is the first book in the new series, Spinster’s Club, by Samantha Holt.  This story has a good mix of intrigue, romance and humor. The characters were witty and charming while having their insecurities and imperfections while being relatable. I liked that the author didn’t make it easy for the main characters to get their happy ever after. The book has a good story line and well written.  The story has good lead-ins for future books with other the other characters. I can’t wait to see the rest of the series on the other spinsters.

Samantha Holt is a talented writer that has given us another entertaining book. This book is part of a series but can be read as a stand-a-lone with the happily-ever-after ending that we come to expect. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a short funny and suspenseful story with a touch of romance mixed in. 

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